Discover every available opportunity to improve revenue, profit, costs, inventories, product and customer performance.
R-Daniel is an Artificial Intelligence Analyst that helps managers improve sales, costs, revenue, inventory, product performance and customer management by analyzing its sales, cost and inventory data to discover hidden insights that are almost impossible for humans to discover.
A robot that will automatically take care of everything! There is no need for an AI project with analysts, developers and data scientists. It does not even require a typical A.I. training process; R-Daniel uses a set of “Brains” that train one another so that top management doesn’t have to worry about it.
How does it deliver value?
R-DANIEL is here to change the way businesses are run by giving Decision Makers valuable insights to make better decisions that improve their bottom line.
Interactive News Board / R-Daniel publishes all its findings in an interactive News Board that shows opportunities and alerts in natural business language, with graphs, explanations, and possible causes and predictions so decision makers can efficiently design concrete actions to capture value.
Data Democratization / R-Daniel ensures every strategic team member gets the exact same data, preventing strategic meetings between areas to come to a grueling halt because different teams have contradicting data.
Relevance Engine / R-Daniel analyzes millions of insights that its army of robots discovers, it then selects the most valuable ones that executives need to know about, and publishes them in natural language. This unique capability sets R-Daniel apart from any existing AI!
Deep Profit Knowledge / R-Daniel has a small army of robots that constantly analyze your business data, each specialized in different business discovery patterns like demand predictions, customer churn, price-volume-cost variation, and more!
R-Daniel: Transforming Businesses Across Industries
In today’s fiercely competitive business landscape, staying ahead of the curve isn’t just an aspiration; it’s a necessity. Digital transformation is the driving force behind achieving that competitive edge, and at Zawadzki & Co, we believe that R-Daniel, our cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence Analyst, is the key to unlocking a new era of business success. In this article, we’ll explore the broad-ranging benefits of R-Daniel for businesses across various industries, highlighting how it can be the catalyst for outperforming competition and achieving unparalleled results.
R-Daniel can work for most industries because it specializes in profit optimization, the oxygen that keeps companies moving forward. That said, our journey started with B2B companies and has been moving into new industries one customer at a time. Today we are generating value for:
- Textile Manufacturing
- CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods)
- Plastic Packaging and Protective Solution
- Security Services
- Retail